Navigating The Changing Talent Landscape
Download the new playbook for attracting, engaging and retaining talent, and building a more agile workforce, based on a survey of 700+ business leaders.
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As skills gaps grow, talent demands change, and economic uncertainty continues, only businesses with agile approaches to talent management will truly thrive.
Beamery surveyed more than 700 business leaders to get their view of the talent landscape, and uncover where they see the biggest challenges – and where the opportunities lie. Insights from the research include:
- 65% of business leaders think that how they tackle talent challenges will impact how well they perform as a business during uncertain economic times.
- Just 40% say they are very satisfied that current talent approaches in their organization reflect changing market conditions and employee expectations.
- 71% said they are concerned about talent loss or leakage in their organization in the next 12 months.
- 54% think increasing skills shortages will be a top talent challenge over the coming year.
- 89% agreed that talent approaches today need to reflect ‘getting talent to the point of need’.
- 81% think that skills-first hiring can better align the needs of employers and employees, making work work better for everyone.